Conduct of Members Membership of SMNZ is accepted on the understanding that the application of any member is in good faith and is expected to help further the objects of SMNZ. All endeavours under the auspices of SMNZ are expected to be a credit to the organisation. The following actions are particularly proscribed:
A Use of the name or the initials of SMNZ by a member in any way calculated to imply that he or she has a special professional standing or qualification.
B Use of the name or initials of SMNZ in a professional context for personal gain.
C Statements made to the media in the name of SMNZ other than those made by its officers authorised to do so.
D Any statements to the media by a member or members deemed to be inimical to the good name of another member or members of SMNZ, including its elected officers.
E Any statement or action deemed inimical to the good name of SMNZ in general and calculated to bring it into disrepute.